IoT Management

IoT Services, Collect Optimization

Thanks to its IoT Management component, XEOLIS allows you to collect and associate sensory data with business processes.

The solution integrates and collects a wide range of sensors (temperature, humidity, GPS, shocks, level, etc.) that communicate under different protocols (SigFox, LoRa, NB-IoT, GPRS, NFC, even owner).

Your advantage? You do not depend on platforms associated with sensors and you are able to centralize your IoT management, directly associated with directly coupled with your business processes.

Our solutions

NEXXIO - IoT Management

Some use cases

Waste Management

NEXXIO allows you to monitor your container filling levels all the time.

Easy to integrate, it suits different types of containers and waste.

Food Delivery

Cold Chain Control is a temperature tracking interface. It integrates Newsteo technology.

It allows to monitor level and temperature variations accurately and quickly.

Tracking Trailers

Trailer fleet management is essential to optimize and ensure production or distribution line availability. IoT tracker monitoring helps cover this need.

E.g.: iTalk




Datamining / Processing


Example for waste management

Registration is programmed according to the level and speed of filling
Optimisation des tournées de collecte


Optimizing Registration

Registration is programmed according to the level and speed of filling
Réduction des coûts

Reducing costs

Reducing overall costs

Registration is programmed according to the level and speed of filling



The sensor is compatible with many communication protocols: GPRS, NB-IoT, LoRa and Sigfox

Improved visibility

Improved visibility

Improved visibility thanks to intelligent container monitoring

Real-time level

Optimizing pick-up routes

Intelligent Monitoring